Sustainability journey

We have always been mindful and aware of the impact our industry has on the environment.

We’ve been leading the way in sustainable practices since 1991. As early adopters, we replaced conventional 2-pack Isocyanate paints with a water-based system, demonstrating our commitment to environmental progress.

Throughout the years we have supported mixed material recycling and partner with
specialist companies that help with the recycling as much waste as possible.


  • Waste Metals – recycled.
  • Plastics (bumpers, plastic body panels, trims, etc) – recycled.
  • Paper, cardboard – recycled.
  • Electrical equipment – recycled (WEEE policy adhered to).
  • Waste paint materials – recycled or disposed of in a regulated and ethical manner.

Recent changes

We have recently installed energy saving light bulbs throughout the business.

We have recently installed 2 x vehicle spraying ovens with ultra efficient gas fired burners.

We have recently invested in new environmentally friendly air-con system using the new R1234YF gas.

Hybrid Courtesy Cars

As of September 2023 we are taking receipt of our new Hybrid Courtesy Cars changing from petrol vehicles. This movement will continue as courtesy cars on the fleet are replaced. Objective is to have a full fleet of electric and hybrid courtesy vehicles by 2026.

Carbon Neutral logo

PAS 2060 compliance

We are very proud that both Abingdon and Reading sites have achieved carbon neutrality certification:
Abingdon Certificate
Reading Certificate

Both Abingdon and Reading will off-set its carbon usage against a Solar Photovoltaic Project which will be a step towards supporting the implementation and installation of grid-connected renewable solar energy power plants in India.

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